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Is It Illegal To Lock School Bathrooms

Is It Illegal To Lock School Bathrooms

A school has done a U-turn over decisions to close toilet facilities during class times following backlash.

Williamwood High School in Clarkston faced outrage following the decision to keep bathrooms locked at all times, except during break and lunch hours.

A petition launched yesterday by a student has already received more than 3,200 signatures as people voiced their worries over the new measures.

Multiple concerns were raised over the rule, including the challenges it would cause pupils who are menstruating and the lack of privacy it would offer, as well the challenges it would provide students who live further away from the school.

The petition reads: "Bathrooms are to be locked during classes and after school. There are a number of reasons this rule negatively impacts many of us.

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"Reason 1: For those of us who menstruate, bathrooms are a safe place in which we can go in emergencies to access clean sanitary supplies, and if you know anything about basic biology, those who menstruate don't decide which time we start bleeding. In the emergency where we need a pad or tampon we now have the embarrassment of insisting to teachers we must go to the bathroom , then going to the office to request a key where our name will be taken down on record.

"Reason 2: Again on menstruation, our school like many others provides free supplies for those who may not be able to afford supplies in shops. These are located in the bathroom (not in cubicals) and class time allows people to get them whilst the bathroom is not busy and they don't risk feeling embarrassed. Yet now those people will have to go at break and lunch at the most busiest times and Its worrying that the anxiety of being around people may be enough to stop anyone getting the items they need

Reason 3: Many of us live long distance from the school and have to walk as we aren't supplied buses. The bathrooms are now locked after school meaning many can not go to the bathroom before over an hour walk home or multiple transport trips. You can not take away peoples need to go to the bathroom while knowing that we have no free local bathrooms in the area."

The petition also accuses the rules of "denying a safe place to use the bathroom in a place where we are to assume we are being given the best care", adding that the measure would increase anxiety for many pupils.

It continues: "It. Is. Basic. Child. Wellfare. You as adults are meant to protect us. To look after us and keep us safe. But you deny us a safe place to use the bathroom in a place where we are to assume we are being given the best care. By taking away bathrooms you leave people who are anxious around crowds of people in bathrooms going 6 hour school days without going to the bathroom, for those with medical conditions you are making it harder to access a bathroom in a quick instance."

Following the backlash, East Renfrewshire Council has confirmed the toilets will now be kept open, but argue "at no time were any pupils denied access to toilet facilities during the school day".

A council spokesperson said: "At no time were any pupils denied access to toilet facilities during the school day. A new system was introduced in an attempt to maximise teaching time in classes and also to minimise the opportunity for inappropriate behaviour, which, on occasion, can take place in toilet facilities.

"The change meant that toilets closer to classrooms were available during the course of the teaching day, with the toilets within the communal 'street area' only open before school, at lunch and break times and after school. Given the concerns raised, these toilets will now remain open throughout the school day, although pupils will still be encouraged to use the toilets closer to classrooms between lessons to ensure any lost teaching time is minimised. The situation will be kept under review."

Williamwood High School's head teacher Mrs MacGlashan has also written a letter to parents and carers of pupils confirming that all toilets will be reopened during class time.

It reads: "One area of school life at Williamwood High School which was brought to my attention on taking up post is the amount of learning and teaching time which is lost as a consequence of young people visiting the bathroom, congregating there for longer than is necessary and on rare occasion, other incidents which disrupt the smooth operation of school life for all. In order to reduce the amount of lost learning time and to avoid such incidents, the toilet facilities in the main Street Area were closed only during class time from Thursday 19th August, and a new system was introduced. This alternative system allows our young people to have more swift and discreet localised access to a range of toilets during learning and teaching time and more widely across the school if required, throughout the day. This should also help in reducing inappropriate and unsafe behaviour taking place in the main toilets and any more unnecessary emergency evacuations.

"Additionally, all toilets across the school estate are open before school, during break, lunchtime and at the end of the school day and have been since the commencement of the school term.

"Following the introduction of this new system of accessing the toilet during class time, there has been some concern raised about young people being denied access to toilets. This is not the case.

"As a Gold Rights Respecting school it is important to us that we constantly review our systems to ensure our young people get the best service in school at all times. The aim of the new system is to give young people access to toilets which are closer to classrooms, which will allow for a speedier return to class, maximising teaching time and reducing the possibility of unsafe group behaviour.

"From Monday 30 August, the toilet facilities within the main Street Area will be open throughout the school day, including during learning and teaching time. However young people will continue to be directed to a local toilet during learning and teaching time, for the benefits previously referred to. As with all new systems we will monitor this approach and will review the access to localised and Street Area toilets regularly over the coming weeks, making alterations where necessary. Please be assured that all young people have always had access to toilets and will continue to have access to toilets at Williamwood High School."

The petition can be found online HERE.

Is It Illegal To Lock School Bathrooms

Source: https://www.glasgowlive.co.uk/news/williamwood-high-school-u-turn-21368410

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